Sunday, November 10, 2019

explanation-how are diamond rings made

Diamond rings are used to make people feel special and to make yourself look rich. 

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Diamond rings come in different colours and different shapes, for example, it could come in a heart, circular, round or pear shape. The ring also comes in different colours, for example, rose gold, gold and silver. 

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Firstly you sketch the design.  Next a 3D computer generated model is made and it is sent to a 3D printer for physical printing. After that,  thin wax slices are printed layer by layer then two different types of wax is printed. During this process, blue casting wax  is used on the inside and red supporting wax on the outside. With layers so thin it takes 18 hours for the ring model to print. The model is put in a bath containing special cleaning solution then tweezers are used to remove stubborn bits of the surrounding red wax. After several minutes of washing, the blue casting wax is revealed. This model is now attached with the other rings to make a wax tree which is done so multiple rings can be made at once. This tree is covered in plaster and placed in a cluen for many hours until the wax burns out leaving an imprint inside the pastor that is in the shape of a ring. Now it is time to cast the ring. A desired metal is melted into a liquid at a temperature of 1,948 degrees fahrenheit to melt gold or 3,215 degrees fahrenheit for platinum. Once melted, the metal is poured into the mold and placed in cold water to harden and cool. Then the casing is removed and each ring is cut from the tree. The ring is now sent to be cleaned and prepared files are used to  remove the sprue witch connected the ring to the tree. The support bar is detached and the ring is sent to get rid of any rough edges and unwanted metal fragments. Finally the ring is hammered to the correct size and shape. After the final shaping the ring is sent to be pre polished using a buffer, a green rouge polishing compound is added to help make the metal shiny. The ring is then rinsed in an alterationing bath, this bath is mainly made from water and soap and it is used to remove extra oils. Back at the store, the completed rings are received and the stones are picked proper sizing and shape the diamonds are inspected to make sure the cut of the diamond is perfect. These flat cuts in the stone are called facets which in hands the sparkly quality of the stone. Some diamond shapes are round, pear, oval, cushion and princess. Now that the perfect stones have been selected, it’s time to set the diamonds in the band. A shelak wax is used to help keep the ring in place, it’s heated and shaped round the ring.  The diamonds are hammered into their spots and secured with prongs to ensure the stones stay in place, it is important that this is done correctly so no diamonds fall out of the ring. Now the completed ring is sent for a final polish, making sure it shines like the stars.

Conclusion  -   

 Diamonds were first discovered thousands of years ago in India.  Diamond rings were used as decorations and as talismans to keep away evil spirits. Later they were believed to “cure” diseases. It was only about a thousand years ago that diamonds started being used in jewellery for the first time.  



1 comment:

  1. well done Sana!I like how you described everything next time use paragraphs
