Sunday, September 9, 2018

Blue colour poem  

Blue looks like
Blue looks like the bright morning sky.                                    Blue looks like the waves crashing on the sand .
Blue looks like colossal whales and friendly dolphins splashing in the water.
Blue looks like skinny blue jeans.
Blue feels like
Blue feels like icy cold ice.
Blue feels like icy snowflakes falling in your hand.
Blue feels like rain dripping like tears.
Blue feels like the soft blue feathers of a peacock.
Blue sounds like
Blue sounds like rain falling from the cloudy sky.
Blue sounds like putting mentos into coke and making a big explosion.
Blue sounds like water crashing into a rock.
Blue sounds like a blue ball bouncing.
Blue tastes like
Blue tastes like mint mentos and mint ice cream.
Blue tastes like sweet blueberries and blueberry muffins.
Blue smells like
Blue smells like bluebells and blue roses.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

My speech judging sheet

Speech Judging Sheet

Name: Sana                        Topic: Cats are awesome        
Main Points

Self Assessment
Low                                         High
1           2 3           4 5

My speech was organised logically into paragraphs, with an effective introduction and a conclusion.

I used some gestures, stood still and made eye contact with my audience.

My voice was clear and loud.  I didn’t speak too quickly or too slowly.

My speech had a message and was original, interesting and relevant to the audience.


I used ‘powerful’ words in my speech.  I also included some language features (eg repetition, alliteration, similes etc)

My speech was between 2 ½ and 3 ½ minutes long.

Next time I need to
Have more eye contact

Teacher Comment
Fabulous effort Sana.  You had some use of hand gestures and expression.  Your next step is to use a bit more eye contact.