Thursday, October 17, 2019

happiness poem

Happiness poem

Happiness smells like roses
Happiness is like chocolate melting in your mouth.
If happiness was a colour it  would be yellow 
Happiness lives on the beach on a hot summer day.
Happiness taste like juicy cherrys. 
Happiness smells like Mc Donalds or pizza.
Happiness sounds like loud music. 
It is like doing what ever you want.
Happiness looks like bright yellow sunflowers or kids laughing and giggling 



  1. Interesting poem Sana. I like how you described red with detail. Next time, try and only put red as one thing and maybe not two.

  2. Good job Sana! I like the way you explained what is happiness in interesting way like the chocolate melting in your mouth.Next time don't use to much happiness in the starting of your sentences.
