Wednesday, July 24, 2019

speech-bullying should stop

“Give me your lunch money!”
“Get out of my way!”
“Haha… I knew you would drop the ball, you’re terrible at netball.”
“Don’t sit in my seat, or else!”```
“You can’t play with us, go away!”

You may have had some of these things said to you throughout your life and it doesn’t feel good, does it?  Sometimes people can be mean and nasty but this behaviour should not be tolerated. I firmly believe that bullying should stop!  Bullying is when someone or a group of people seek harm, to intimidate or torment someone they see as weak or an easy target. It is important to note that a one time incident is not bullying.  Bullying is when someone repeatedly hurts or upsets a person over a period of time. Bullying can happen anywhere, at any time! It can happen face to face or even online. I believe bullies have no place in this world.  Bullying makes kids hate school and makes people upset. WE DON”T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THIS! WE CAN MAKE IT STOP!

Bullying makes people upset!

If you are getting bullied you might feel anxious, depressed, lonely or just feel like crying alot and you will not be able to concentrate in class because you will be thinking a lot about the bully. When the bully approaches or upsets you, you might also be thinking, why me?  Bullying can make students feel lonely, unhappy and frightened. Students who witness bullying can also feel worried and uncomfortable at school, fearing that they will also become a target. Children can’t do well at school if they are worried or feel unsafe!

Bad for health!
Kids who are being bullied can experience negative physical,   and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to hate school and lose interest in activities. Bullying is a big problem, it can make kids feel hurt, scared, sick and lonely.  Bullies might hit, kick or push to hurt people and they could also use words to call names. Bullying can make kids not want to play outside or go to school. Studies show children and young people who are bullied are more likely to be depressed, lonely or anxious they also can have low self- esteem and struggle academically, dislike school and miss classes.  They can distrust peers and have problems making friends and experience declined mental and emotional health. 

So, what can you do to stop being bullied or what can you do if someone is being bullied? 
You can take action to stop bullying happening to you. It is important to do something about it because ignoring it gives silent approval. It is important that you don't dismiss the feelings of the person that is experiencing bullying and make sure they feel like they have power in their hands and that you will support them.  Persuade them to tell an adult they trust about the bullying, such as their parents or their teacher. Hopefully the bully will then face the consequences of their actions and change their behaviour.  

So overall, I hope you have agreed with me.  So if you see someone bullying or if you are being bullied, get help!  Don’t put up with it! You deserve to be happy, healthy and treated with respect.

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