Why we wear poppies
Celandine Poppy, Prickly Poppies, Matilija Poppies, Pygmy Poppies I could go on but I think you’ve got the idea. Vibrant, double and gorgeous, I mean who doesn’t want to wear this? some of you wanna stop wearing poppies in ANZAC day no, no, no, that is not going to happen because I am here today to tell you why it is important to wear poppies in ANZAC day.
Some of you think it is a waste of money well I totally disagree with you. We wear poppies in ANZAC day because in the field were the soldier’s graves were there were poppies now do you agree with me? Some of you still don’t. Well, well, well I am not done yet. Also because it respects the soldiers that died while saving their country still not?
We have been wearing poppies since 1922 yes that is such a long time and suddenly you wanna stop a tradition that has been happening for over 40 years. poppy has its origins in the early twentieth century when red or Flanders poppies bloomed over the graves of soldiers in France and Belgium. You finally agree with me, yes!
So overall I hope you agree with me and know why we should wear poppies I seriously don’t wanna stop a tradition that has been happening for years I mean who wouldn’t want a vibrant red flower in their shirts well not just any flower poppies the vibrant red ones.